Pre-Service Teachers Making Sense of Fraction Division with Remainders
Nesrin Sahin 1 * , Rebecca Gault 2, Laura Tapp 3, Juli K. Dixon 4
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1 University of Central Arkansas, USA2 University of West Georgia, USA3 Alvin College, USA4 University of Central Florida, USA* Corresponding Author


This study reports an analysis of how pre-service teachers (n=34) made sense of fraction division with remainders using pictorial modeling strategies, and how small-group and whole-class discussion helped them develop conceptual understanding. One and a half class sessions were video recorded, and 12 interviews were conducted. Results indicate that pre-service teachers can develop a conceptual understanding of fraction division with remainders using modeling strategies, and their understanding emerges in three levels: a) level one: ignoring the remainder or labeling it incorrectly; b) level two: interpreting the remainder in the original unit but not relating it to the new unit; and c) level three: interpreting the remainder both in the original unit and the new unit flexibly.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2020, Article No: em0552

Publication date: 24 Sep 2019

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