Pre-service teachers’ professional noticing when viewing standard and holographic recordings of children’s mathematics
Karl W. Kosko 1 *
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1 Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA* Corresponding Author


Professional teacher noticing is a key skill in preparing future elementary mathematics teachers, with the goal of increasing the specificity and sophistication of noticing children’s mathematical reasoning. One common effort scholars have engaged to improve teachers’ professional noticing is to improve the quality of representation. Recently, various scholars have found that extended reality based representations, such as 360 video and virtual reality, positively affect teachers’ noticing by increasing the realism (via perceptual capacity). The present study explored the use of holographic representations to determine whether the increased perceptual capacity afforded by an ability to “lean in” and observe children’s mathematics affected professional noticing. Findings and results provide preliminary support for this medium.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 17, Issue 4, November 2022, Article No: em0706

Publication date: 06 Aug 2022

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