Development of PISA Mathematical Problem Model on the Content of Change and Relationship to Measure Students Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability
Siti Aisyah Hasibuan 1 * , KMS. M. Amin Fauzi 1, Mukhtar 1
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1 Universitas Negeri Medan, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author


This study aims to describe: 1) The validity and reliability of the PISA model mathematical problems on the change and relationship content developed; 2) The practicality of PISA mathematical problem models on the developed change and relationship content; 3) Students’ mathematical problem-solving abilities on mathematical problems in the PISA model of content change and relations developed. This research is a Tessmer type development model. This study consists of 2 stages, namely the preliminary stage, and the formative evaluation (prototyping) stage which includes expert reviews, one-to-one, and small groups and the field test (high resistance in revision) stage. The subjects of this study were 32 students of Grade VIII-2 of SMP Negeri 6 Padangsidimpuan. Data collection techniques used were walkthrough, documents, tests, and questionnaires. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the mathematical problems of the PISA model on the content of change and relationship that has been developed produce valid questions that are reliable with high interpretation, as well as practical. PISA mathematical problem tests on the content of change and relationship with the students’ mathematical problem-solving ability reached a score of 62.50% with enough categories.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 15, Issue 2, May 2020, Article No: em0570

Publication date: 06 Nov 2019

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