A Cross-sectional Analysis of Students’ Answers to a Realistic Word Problem from Grade 2 to 10
Gabriella Ambrus 1, Eszter Herendiné Kónya 2, Zoltán Kovács 3, Judit Szitányi 4, Csaba Csíkos 4 *
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1 Mathematics Teaching and Education Centre, Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, HUNGARY2 Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen, HUNGARY3 Institute of Mathematics and Science, University of Nyíregyháza, HUNGARY4 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, HUNGARY* Corresponding Author


Several investigations have revealed that students tend to exclude their real-world knowledge when solving simple, routine-like mathematical word problems. The current research is a cross-sectional developmental analysis with students from grade 2 to 10 (N=1346). Other than describing the development (or lack thereof) in students’ realistic answers, connections with math-related background variables and possible class-level effects have been investigated.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2019, 513-521


Publication date: 29 Apr 2019

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