The problem of the current article is shaped by the necessity of the formation of primary government school teachers’ readiness and skills to conduct correctional and pedagogical learning process with scholars with difficulties of writing activity’s formation. The aim of the article was to conduct the program of formation of the professional teacher’s competence regarding the questions of the diagnostics and correction of writing disorders in primary-school children. The leading method was the method of construction of the teacher’s qualification improvement’s program in revealing and overcome of writing disorders in children with disabilities allowing a complex solution to the problem shaped as a goal-directed process. Special pedagogic conditions of the formation of the professional teacher’s competence are uncovered in the article, that include methodologic (realisation of the approach to the language situation of the region), methodic (change of approaches to the preparation, transformation and improvement of the qualification of the primary school teachers based on the peculiarities of the speech development of children from multinational region), organisational (realisation of the educational programs for primary-school teachers for work with children having difficulties in formation of writing skills). Materials of the article are having practical implication for the preparation of the future university teaching staff, and also for a system of qualification and education of the pedagogic staff.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 695-704
Publication date: 16 Jul 2016
Article Views: 2849
Article Downloads: 1980
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