Peculiarities of Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques in Teaching
Sabyrkul M. Seitova, Gulnar O. Kozhasheva, Yekaterina N. Gavrilova, Ryskul Tasbolatova, Gulnur S. Okpebaeva, Galya T. Kydyrbaeva, Aishan Zh. Abdykarimova
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This research investigates the problems of using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques in teaching. The paper presents the theoretical framework of the NLP technology, covers the history of development and peculiarities of NLP, analyzes academic, methodological, and scientific literature, and describes the main concepts and terms that reveal the essence and purpose of NLP in teaching. Methods of determining the dominating channel of perception and information processing were described. Methodological recommendations for studying this subject were given; methodological recommendations for studying disciplines using the NLP technology, with a view to improving the effectiveness of learning, were given. The analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the studied problem showed that the NLP technology is underdeveloped in teaching. This research investigated an NLP technology that enables detecting the sensory preferences of students, establishing mutual understanding with students, and achieving better learning results. Such terms as “visual”, “auditory”, and “kinesthetic” were used to describe the ways of learning, typical for students. Their typical features are described. Knowing these features improves the performance of students in both learning and life in general.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1135-1149

Publication date: 02 Aug 2016

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