Observing Mathematics Teaching Practices to Promote Professional Development: An Analysis of Approaches to Probability
Claudia Vásquez 1 * , Ángel Alsina 2
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1 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, CHILE2 Universidad de Girona, SPAIN* Corresponding Author


This study aims to analyse the approaches to probability that were carried out by the participants of the teaching practice of Primary Education teachers and, more specifically, their teaching trajectories. To do this we analysed 23 video-recorded classes of all levels, using a previously validated instrument. Results show trajectories characterised by a strong presence of intuitive approach at initial levels, in conjunction with a much lower presence of frequency approach and an absence of other approaches. As the level increases, the presence of intuitive approach decreases, being replaced by subjective, frequency and classical ones, with the latter two having the greatest presence in the upper levels. We conclude that results will be useful for strengthening the professional development of Primary Education teachers in relation to the teaching of probability.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2019, 719-733


Publication date: 31 Jul 2019

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