Main Directions of Creating a Favorable Learning Environment and Labor Protection in the Interest of Enhancing health of the Personnel and Students in Education Foundation
Mikhail V. Vinichenko, Elena V. Frolova, Alexander N. Maloletko, Valery V. Bondaletov, Olga V. Rogach
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The research relevance consists in the necessity of theoretical and methodological supply for creating favorable learning environment and labor protection in Education Foundations. Therefore, this article is aimed at the forming an effective system to create favorable conditions for training and safety in order to improve the health of employees and students of the Russian State Social University (RSSU). The leading approach to the study of this problem is the systematic, which to review all the elements of a system fully, from different angles, analyze and draw reasoned conclusions. The article presents the most effective measures aimed at creating favorable conditions for learning in education foundations, reveals the sanitary-hygienic, psycho-physiological, socio-cultural and infrastructural subsystems, identifies problem areas in these subsystems and the system as a whole, proves the main directions of formation of the learning environment and safety in order to improve health of workers and students in educational institutions. Article Submissions are certain practical significance for all educational institutions, conducting reforms, both in Russia and abroad.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1163-1174

Publication date: 02 Aug 2016

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