Theoretical and Methodical Foundations for the Process of Forming Professional Logistics Competences of Spa managers at the Higher Educational Institution
Natalya Ivanovna Nikitina, Elena Yurievna Romanova, Irina Nikolaevna Nikishina, Veronica Mickhailovna Grebennikova, Natalya Avtionova, Maria Danilova
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The article reveals theoretical and methodological foundations of the process of forming logistics competences in a future Manager of a sanatorium complex at the University. A set of theoretical and empirical methods was used in the study to analyze and systematize Russian and foreign experience in logistics training of the Spa managers at the University and normative-legal documents relevant for the subject matter of the study. The authors applied interviewing of respondents, monitoring of educational-professional practices; testing of students; methods of mathematical statistics were employed for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research results. The logistics training for students majoring in 'Management of organizations (specialization: hotel, resort and tourist business)' is one of the important elements of the higher professional education system at Russian universities. For graduates in this specialty (managers of the Spa complexes) logistics is not only an academic discipline but also a professional tool of analysis and management of the processes for the provision of a wide range of Spa services. The necessity to form different types of competences (including professional-logistics ones) of the graduates majoring in 'Management of organizations' is associated with the transition of the Russian system of higher education to the competence-based training model. The authors of the article analyze the results of the long-term (2003-2015) experimental work in the field of vocational and applied (practice-oriented) logistics training of future managers of Spa resorts. This research has shown that the formed system of professional and logistics competences of the sanatorium complex managers significantly increases their competitiveness and mobility in the labor market, contributes to the successful labor adaptation of young professionals.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 9, 2016, 3313-3328

Publication date: 18 Nov 2016

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