Laser Measuring Apparatus Based on Using Bifocal Lenses
Abilhan U. Umbetov, Borankul Z. Uzakova, Meyramkul T. Abdrakhmanova, Anar K. Tulegenova, Assel A. Aubakirova, Saule Zh. Dzhaketova
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In order to determine resolving power of electronic and optical devices and photo materials, first and foremost interference methods are considered to be used. For further development of the transmission of television systems with high-resolution there have been considered use of the following ranks of instruments: laser interference rezolvometer dissector, the laser polarization interferometer of longitudinal shear and acoustic and optical correlator. Authors mark the main advantages of LIR that works according to the scheme of polarization interferometer compared to LIR that works according the scheme based on the projective technique. Interference method gives much greater contrast. This proves that in the projection method with an increase in spatial frequency contrast of the test pattern falls and the results obtained by this method are be recalculated with taking into account dependence of ratio of transmission contrast focusing optics on the spatial frequency.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016, 1945-1959

Publication date: 01 Sep 2016

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