Investigating the Mediating Role of Learning Strategies (Cognitive and Metacognitive) between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance among Students of Smart and Ordinary School
Ismail Sadipour, Soghra Ebrahimi Ghavam, Noorali Farrokhi, Hassan Assadzadeh, Nahid Sameti
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Education system is efficient and successful when the academic achievement of students in different periods shows highest and lowest numbers. Smart schools are an environment that has the potential necessary to accomplish this goal. However, academic performance is affected by many variables. The aim of this study was investigating the mediating role of learning strategies (cognitive and metacognitive) between emotional intelligence and academic performance among students of smart and ordinary school.  The study in term of method is predictive- correlational. The population in this study consisted of all high school students in Tehran using multi-stage cluster sampling 583 students were selected as sample. The results showed that the direct and indirect effect of emotional intelligence and achievement motivation on students 'academic performance is significant. The direct and indirect effect of emotional intelligence and achievement motivation on students' academic performance in smart schools is significantly higher than its impact on the academic performance of students in ordinary schools. The role of smart schools in important variables such as emotional intelligence, achievement motivation and academic performance makes the role of smart schools brighter and stronger. Using and applying smart and updated technology, on the one hand, improve the teaching-learning in teachers and students, the teachers and students to use the World Wide Web can upgrade their academic level and the development.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 12, Issue 3, October 2017, 409-420

Publication date: 18 Jun 2017

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