Interrelation of Aggression with Reflexivity and World Image in Students of the Pedagogical Profile as an Opportunity to Improve Their Psychological Health
Marina E. Valiullina
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The development of unique techniques aimed to increase and stabilize levels of young men and girls’ psychological health whose after- graduation profession will be connected with pedagogical activity characterized by an accelerating rate of various innovations in education process and requirements to training quality, need in life-long self-education to increase competitiveness and improved communicative skills to obtain and use information provides the relevance of the studied problem. The objective of the paper is to consider intensity and peculiarities of manifestation and interdependence of such characteristics as aggression, reflexivity and ideas of the world (first of all, its social aspects) in students of different genders going to get engaged in pedagogical activity in future. Research methods of testing and questioning were used in the course of empirical research. The study revealed that the intensity of certain characteristics manifestations concerning aggression, world image and reflexivity differs in students due to their gender. Gender distinctions are observed in the structure of interrelations between characteristics of aggression and indicators of world image and reflexivity. Materials from the paper can be useful for elaboration of psychology-pedagogical educational programs promoting psychological health strengthening, namely: formation of positive relation to the world, mastering skills of mental states self-control and reflexivity with gender and individual-psychological features of students trained according to a pedagogical profile in view.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 559-568

Publication date: 16 Jul 2016

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