Information Streams of Education Content Integrative Designing at a Federal University
Galia I. Kirilova, Vera K. Vlasova
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Modern university education is aimed to provide a future expert with knowledge and experience of professional activity in the context of information society development and innovative knowledge-intensive production. At the same time information the teacher should be furnished with to implement own designing activity in the context of new education content formation is getting actual. Such designing is gaining an integrative character and becomes essential in the environment of controlled information streams. The paper reveals the phenomenon of education content integrative designing, features and invariant requirements to its content adequate to current trends of university education development, and ensures the unity and specificity of educational, scientific, production and social spheres of education content implementation realized within the selection of a variable logistic trajectory of its designing. The leading approaches to research the ways of integrative designing were system analysis of dynamic information educational environment and modeling of a logistic structure of information streams of educational purpose. The paper reveals the double-circuit organization of data exchange in the course of education content designing within which internal streams provide disciplinary differentiation, and external streams provide integration of disciplines, training profiles and educational structures. The paper develops subject - subject and subject – object exchange of information between educational organizations and society, between governing structures and divisions, between students and teachers in information educational environment of education content integrative designing. The paper proves that integration of information streams is a key idea to solve problems of timely and high-quality integrative designing of innovative education content. Practical significance of materials from the paper is that on the basis of described procedures the realization of developed functions and established interactions can be transferred to links of the information environment, and exchange of information becomes mediated by information resources and agents of educational purpose. The practical importance consists in the detailed and experimentally approved organization of an integration link regulating information exchanges in the course of designing and educational activity of subjects and agents of educational process.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 767-778

Publication date: 19 Jul 2016

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