Forming Analytical Competency of Higher School Students
Roza A. Valeeva, Natalia A. Bushmeleva
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The urgency of the problem, stated in the article, is prompted on the one hand by the needs of modern society in professionally competent people, who are able to act in situations of uncertainty, to think “outside the box”, to successfully solve life and professional problems, and on the other hand - by the presence in the pedagogical theory and practice opportunities for solving this problem, in particular, through the development of analytical competency of students. The purpose of the article is to develop a model of forming analytical competency of higher school students. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach and methodology of selecting the content of education, which allowed to consider the analytical competency as a system, to carry out the design of forming analytical competency of higher school students on the basis of the developed model and justify the content of education, ensuring the formation of the analytical competency. The article presents a model of the analytical competency of higher school students, while teaching special mathematical disciplines with the help of information and communications environment through the integration of mathematical, information and pedagogical knowledge. The article introduces conditions for effective formation of students’ analytical competency, which provides them with the opportunity to work and continue their vocational training.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2016, 3137-3148

Publication date: 07 Sep 2016

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