Basic Principles and Conditions of Training Reflective Teachers at University
Gulnara F. Biktagirova
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This article aims at revealing the basic principles and conditions for the preparation of a reflective teacher in classical university. On the basis of theoretical research, analysis of psychological and educational literature and great educational experience, the fundamental principles of preparation of students as future professional reflective teachers are revealed. The article deals with the theoretical and methodological basis of the current reseatch, presents the main arguments for the training of a future reflective teacher in a classical university. The paper discusses the feasibility of conditions based on the integration of the principles presented in various forms of active learning (i.e. business games, design, problem solving, microcharacterization, workshops, discuyive lectures, lectures-dialogues and practice throughout the learning process, etc.). Also forms of activity and simulation of various types of social interaction were studied. The ability to develop a criterial restructuring of activity is provided and the way to self-cognition and self-development is opened.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016, 1927-1933

Publication date: 31 Aug 2016

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