The article in concentrated on the development of students' vocational training program in terms of social partnership and experimental study of its efficiency. The leading methods of this problem study are the following: observations, monitoring, questioning, psychological testing and pedagogical experiment that allows checking of the efficiency of the given art-therapy program on the overcoming of adolescents' aggressiveness within school environment. The paper reveals the determination of "aggression" in psychological and pedagogical literature; explores the role of art-therapy in overcoming of aggression; defines the forms and methods of overcoming of adolescents' aggressiveness; reveals the features of adolescents' aggressiveness; proves the efficiency of the developed art-therapy program called "World without aggression". The main provisions of the article may be used in the organization of similar work in the secondary school system.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 902-910
Publication date: 19 Jul 2016
Article Views: 3115
Article Downloads: 3442
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